
Liebster Award

So it’s always a ‘thing’ when you begin a blog, a thought or THE thought that crosses your mind – who is actually reading this?  Well thanks to the folks at Culture Quote, I now know that someone is still enjoying Singapore Spice, and I am truly humbled and grateful for the nomination for the Liebster Award by Diane, the founder of Culture Quote. The award appears simply to be something that raises awareness of your blog, and upon being tagged as one of my nominees, you have to display the Liebster award badge on your blog, list 11 random facts about yourself, respond to 5 questions that I’ve posed, choose 5 blogs that you nominate and pose 5 questions to them. My name is Jade, and I am the sole writer on Singapore Spice, a blog that I began as I studied in Singapore for a semester! Here goes my response 🙂



11 Random Facts

  1. I really really like mangoes, and when I go to the Caribbean, I dip mangoes in the sea and enjoy the salty sweetness…It’s divine!
  2. I believe that I was a rapper in a previous life, because I can rap songs like a beast and want to marry J.Cole
  3. I am officially addicted to the programme ‘Scandal’ and have a girl crush on Kerry Washington
  4. My favourite game when I was younger was ‘Spyro: Gateway to Glimmer’ on the original Playstation
  5. I share the same birthday as Pink (the singer)
  6. I’ve been to Barbados over 10 times
  7. I have an obsession with the drums, I don’t play, but the sounds on a drum kit make me melt
  8. I can spend a whole day watching beauty videos on Youtube
  9. I started a degree in English and Drama at Loughborough University but hated it and found myself studying Geography a year later
  10. I got the nickname ‘Boogs’ whilst in Singapore, because I used to sing a lot, rap a lot and wear my hair tied sharing similar characteristics to Lauryn Hill aka L. Boogs.
  11. I live for sunsets, they’re beautiful.

My responses

  1. If there was a singular wish you could have granted (standard rules: no wish for wishes, etc.) what would you wish for and why?

This a difficult one, probably a world free of judgement, so that people could freely be who they want to be without fear.

2. What is your most cherished memory?

This is one of them – when my little brother had the chickenpox, he ran into my arms and laid there, hugging me tightly until he fell asleep. It was really special for me.

3. What is your most common typo?

Writing your when I’m supposed to write you’re. I make myself cringe.

4. If you could spot-on impersonate anyone in the world, who would that be?

I’ve never been one for impersonations…to be perfectly honest I wouldn’t want to. Although when my hair was longer I was constantly told that I look like Michelle Obama…so maybe if I could get the whole personality thing down, I could marry the leader of the free world?

5. What is the one song you cannot get out of your head recently?

Novacane – Frank Ocean

My questions for nominee’s

  1. What has been your funniest experience whilst being abroad?
  2. If you could choose a song that best represents you, what would it be?
  3. What is one word you would choose that best sums up where you currently live?
  4. What is your favourite snack that you have discovered whilst being abroad?
  5. If money was no object, what would you spend your life doing?

I nominate….






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